Fraud Blocker Independent Stage 11 Standard - Polished - Skater HQ

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Independent Truck Co.

Independent Stage 11 Standard - Polished

The Independent Stage 11 trucks are like brand name orange juice - Reliable, always enjoyable and full of vitamins. The new standard for superior turning and stability. Features updated geometry, better grind clearance for tricks like feebles and smiths, stronger on impact and longer lasting! 356 T6 Aluminum Hangers and Baseplates, 4140 Chromoly Steel Axles, and Grade 8 Kingpins. Made in the USA, sold as a set of two.

- Indy STAGE XI - 'Standard' Series
- Available Sizes: 129 to 215 (While Stocks Last)
- Height: 55mm
- 356 T6 Aluminum Hanger & Baseplate
- Solid 4140 Chromoly Steel Axle
- Grade-8 Kingpin
- Sold as PAIR
- Polished Silver Colourway
